Glacier individual record is NOT your tax return that you file with IRS or the state. TCC staff CANNOT provide individual tax advice. DO NOT submit your tax returns (Form 1040NR, Form W-2, Form 1042-S, etc) with your GLACIER packet.
Why is a GLACIER Record Required?
GLACIER is a secure online tax compliance system that International visitors use to provide their immigrant and tax data to UC Davis.
GLACIER helps determine tax residency, withholding rates, and income tax treaty eligibility. They also manage tax liability paperwork, maintains immigration data, and prepares tax forms and required statements.
Please note that inside of the Glacier system, there are two programs: Glacier individual record and Glacier Tax Prep (GTP). TCC only handles the Glacier individual record portion in Glacier. You are required to complete a Glacier individual record when you have an active employment with UC Davis and/or expect other payments such as fellowship, honorarium, etc. from UC Davis. This system helps determine your tax residency status and the tax rate that we apply to your UC Davis payment(s). Action is needed on your part when you get these Glacier email reminders.