Ledger Review Process Overview

Information center for the Ledger Review process.


Ledger Review is the process of analyzing your department's ledger transactions to provide reasonable assurance that the charges and credits are valid. In addition, the reviewer verifies that transactions are appropriate and that they are compliant with all applicable policies and regulations. Ledger review differs from the financial management of your account(s).

As a recipient of funds from a variety of sources, the university must demonstrate to public and private organizations, taxpayers, donors, and anyone else who provides us with funding that we are using the money as intended. Ledger review impacts the university's annual financial schedules and provides accurate information for further financial analysis to occur at higher departmental, divisional, school, and college levels.


The Ledger Review Process


Ledger Reviews for FY24 7/1/2023-12/21/2023 must be completed in KFS, more information available here. -The KFS function to certify completion has been deactivated. Please review your reports as required without completing the certification step. 

Ledger Reviews for FY24 from 1/01/2024 to 06/30/2024 must be completed in Aggie Enterprise


What is required?
Monthly AE ledger review is required at levels C and E.
How will this be accomplished?
Current AE reports will be used for this process. Supporting reports via Cognos may be used as well. Detailed how to instructions are available in the Perform General Ledger Review in Aggie Enterprise Knowledge Base Article (KBA).  
Will completion be monitored by the central team?
Units are required to document the completion of their reviews. Central Finance will no longer require certification and will not routinely monitor completion as in the KFS system.
Process and timeline to assess adequacy
Central Finance will collaborate with the AE Reports workgroup to assess the adequacy of the tools and processes over the next six to twelve months. 
Knowledge Based Articles (KBAs)
Step-by-step details and examples on how to complete and document the reviews in Aggie Enterprise can be found in the Perform General Ledger Review in Aggie Enterprise KBA.
Questions and Feedback
Feedback and questions regarding the AE Ledger Review process may be submitted via the Aggie Enterprise Help form. Please select the general questions, page errors, navigation support radio button and include "Ledger Review question" or "Ledger Review feedback" in the short description field. Add your question or comments in the longer text box.

Aggie Enterprise Ledger Review - working session

Occurring twice monthly, this series provides an opportunity for those with financial responsibilities to provide feedback and ask questions about Ledger Review in Aggie Enterprise. 

Resources that support the working sessions, including FAQs, can be found in the BOX folder https://ucdavis.box.com/s/9fxvkyf6nf1wkkgktp71l23s1ykxktcw