Equipment Management verifies inventory by conducting audits each year.
Audits are conducted to inspect the equipment and Aggie Enterprise records, and to ensure compliance with equipment policy and procedure in accordance with sections III.J. and V.H of UC BUS 29.
Before the Audit
- Equipment Management will contact the asset rep to coordinate the date, time, and location.
- A confirming letter, along with list of assets to be audited, will be sent to the asset rep, MSO/delegate, and department head/delegate designating the time and date for the audit as agreed.
- The asset rep should prepare for the audit by physically verifying the location of each asset on the provided list.
- For equipment located off-campus, the asset rep should confirm the physical location of the equipment with a representative at that location. This confirmation will also be made by the auditor with the assistance of the asset representative during the audit. If it's on campus, Aggie Enterprise should show E002 for the building code and DEFAULT for the room number along with a physical location. If it's off campus, Aggie Enterprise should show E001 (if in the US) or E003 (if out of the country) along with a physical location.
- If any asset cannot be physically located, the appropriate documentation should be completed, and required approvals secured prior to the audit.
- The asset decal must be placed in a prominent location on each piece of equipment. Replacement decals should be requested in advance of the audit. To request decals, submit a ticket through AggieEQ using the Replacement Decal Request tile. Include the UCOP number (not the asset tag number).
- Any updates to equipment information should be sent to Equipment Management team prior to the audit. In AggieEQ, click on the Edit Request tile. Include the asset number and details about what needs to be updated. EQ will review the request, and once all necessary information has been confirmed, EQ will update Aggie Enterprise and the requester will be notified.
During the Audit
- Each item must be visually inspected or confirmed by the auditor.
- If an item is not available (e.g., on loan or lost), the appropriate documentation must be provided.
- The auditor should be able to positively identify the asset via the asset decal. If decals are missing from equipment, the auditor may not be able to verify those items.
After the Audit
- Audit evaluations are sent to the asset rep, MSO/delegate, and department head/delegate.
- Follow-up audits will be scheduled for departments that fail the first audit.
If an Additional Audit is Required
- Equipment Management will follow the same process listed above to coordinate and conduct the audit.
- If the department fails a second audit then an audit of the complete inventory for that custodial code may be scheduled.