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- How do I request help?
- If your question is specific to equipment, submit a help desk ticket through AggieEQ.
- I have an item that will be outside. What building and room # should I use?
- If it's on campus, use E002 for the building code and DEFAULT for the room number and provide a physical location. If it's off campus, use either E001 (if in the US) or E003 (if out of the country) and provide a physical location.
- What does the property number mean?
- First two digits are the year, the next two represent campus, and the remainder is the number asset for that calendar year. For example, 20253000012 is the year 2025, for the Davis campus, and it's the 12th asset for calendar year 2025.
- How is the asset number different than the UCOP tag number?
- The asset number is a 7-digit, Oracle-generated ID number. The tag number is a 9-digit number assigned per UCOP policy.
- Why is it so important that the make, model and serial number be in the asset record?
- "Per UCOP policy BUS-29, Section III.B.7 this information must be added to the asset record. The practical applications are to: 1) identify the item if the asset decal is missing; and 2) be able to distinguish similar items from one another."
- How do I search Aggie Enterprise for existing equipment?
- On the main landing page of Aggie Enterprise, click on Asset Inquiry. Use one or more of the search fields available on the screen.
- My item is almost $5,000. What expenses can I include along with the item to exceed the $5,000 threshold?
- Per Accounting Manual P-415-2, Section B, the capitalized cost of an asset includes the following: the per unit value of the asset (less any discounts taken), accessories needed to make the equipment usable, installation, freight, taxes, fees, and insurance costs to cover the equipment while in transit.
- What is the difference between a component that qualifies for the Research and Development (R&D) tax break vs a component that doesn't?
- A component that qualifies for the tax break must be hardware or software permanently dedicated to the asset. It cannot be a consumable, freight, fees, labor, or installation. Additional information regarding the tax break.
- What if I have a repair part $5,000 or over or have fixed equipment?
- New fixed equipment with a total of $35,000 or higher may be capitalized by choosing a Category Name that points to Natural Account 525800. There are five Category Names to choose from.
For repair parts over $5,000, use a Category Name that will not change to Natural Account 525900 or 525800.
For a list of Category Names and their routing thresholds, please visit SCM's website: and download the "Purchasing Categories/Routing and Commodity Code/Category Name (Spreadsheet)". It is the 8th entry in the 3rd column (Other Purchasing Resources) listed under the Job Aids - Procurment section.
- Why do we get audited on our equipment?
- Per UCOP, State and Federal policies, we must assure those who fund us that we are tracking capital equipment purchased with their funds.
- How do I pass an audit?
- See Equipment Audit Information for details.
Biennial Certification
- Who has to sign the inventory certification form?
- The asset rep as well as the department head or department head delegate.
- Can I change my inventory cycle?
- Yes. In AggieEQ, click on the Ask a Question tile. Once EQ has made the update, a notification will be sent to the requester.
- During inventory, I found an item with a decal but it's not on my list. What do I do?
- You can look up the item in Aggie Enterprise or submit a help ticket through the AggieEQ Ask a Question tile for assistance with ownership of the item.
- During inventory, I found an item with a serial # and model #, but those fields are not completed in Aggie Enterprise. How do I add them to Aggie Enterprise?
- In AggieEQ, click on the Edit Request tile. Include the asset number and the missing information. EQ will review the request, and once all necessary information has been confirmed, EQ will update Aggie Enterprise and the requester will be notified.
- How do I conduct a physical inventory for items that are off-site or not accessible?
- For off-site items, if there is someone who is on-site, ask them to confirm the item is physically there. If there is an item you can't physically access, but are assured it is still where it was placed (e.g., camera recording equipment or data acquisition systems are still transmitting data to you) then that's considered verification that the item exists.
- What happens if I miss the equipment certification deadline?
- Departments that do not meet the deadline are strong candidates for audit. A list of departments not meeting the deadline is also shared with Finance senior leadership for possible follow-up with deans and vice chancellors. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in findings from external audits which can result in lost funding to the university.
- Can I request an extension for my equipment certification?
- Extensions are rare, but if you feel the need for an extension, submit a ticket through AggieEQ using the Ask a Question tile. Explain the circumstances as soon as you know you won't be able to meet the deadline so that we can discuss options.
- How can I request a replacement decal?
- Submit a ticket through AggieEQ using the Replacement Decal Request tile. Include the UCOP number (not the asset tag number).
- What is the difference between a UCD issued asset decal for government owned vs not government owned?
- Government-owned equipment decals will say "Property of [Sponsor's name]". All others will say "Property of University of California."
- What information is on the asset decal?
- The UCOP tag #, the owner (UC Davis or the government), and a bar code.
- What do I do if I have an item that is not feasible to tag?
- If the item is too small, sterile, or in harsh environmental conditions such that a decal won't stay on it, then keep a list of those items, along with UCOP number and a photo.
- What is the bar code for on an asset decal?
- The bar code is not being used at this time.
- I have the asset decal but there is no record in Aggie Enterprise. Why not?
- If it's a recent purchase, the asset record may not have been created yet. Another reason is that the item may have been retired before we moved to Aggie Enterprise and the tag was never removed.
- What is capital equipment?
- Per PPM 350-50, a capital asset is any stand-alone item that has an acquisition value of $5,000 or more, is nonexpendable, tangible, free standing, and has a normal life expectancy of one year or more.
- What is a component?
- Per UCOP BUS-29, components are items which are not complete in themselves and thus are not separately inventoried. Component parts are capitalized or expensed according to Section III.C.1.i.
- What is an add-on?
- Per UCOP BUS-29, an add-on is an intricate functioning part of the equipment, extending the useful life of the inventorial equipment or significantly increasing the capacity, productivity, or output of the existing inventorial equipment, if the cost of the add-on is $5,000 or more. A replacement or repair part is not an add-on, regardless of cost.
- What is an accessory item?
- Per UCOP BUS-29, an accessory item is an item that facilitates or enhances the operation of equipment, but which is not essential for its operation. Accessory items necessary to place the equipment into its intended location and condition for use should be capitalized and inventoried as part of the basic asset. Accessory items acquired after the initial acquisition of the basic unit, and with an item cost of $5,000 or more and with a normal life of greater than one year must be capitalized and inventoried.
- What is an auxiliary item?
- Per UCOP BUS-29, an auxiliary item is an item without which a basic asset cannot operate. Auxiliary items should be capitalized and inventoried with the associated basic asset.
- What is the different between capital equipment and non-capital equipment?
- The acquisition value. Items $5,000 or above are capital; below $5,000 are not. See Capital Asset definition for details.
- I am not sure if a purchase we are making is capital equipment. How can I determine that?
- See Equipment Management homepage for details. If still unsure, submit a help desk ticket through AggieEQ.
- What is a custodial code?
- Per UCOP BUS-29, this is a 4-character alphanumeric code indicating the department which has custodial responsibility for an asset.
- Why can't I give away equipment?
- Per PPM 350-80, Section III.C. departments are not authorized to give away excess property to individuals or external sources, including vendors or non-profit organizations; or to throw away active inventory or usable items.
- Why can't I just throw old stuff away?
- Per PPM 350-80, Section III.C. departments are not authorized to give away excess property to individuals or external sources, including vendors or non-profit organizations; or to throw away active inventory or usable items.
- I don’t need an item anymore. What should I do with it?
- "If the department no longer has a business need for an item, they can ask another UCD department or another UC campus if they need it; otherwise supply items and active inventory that are excess to department needs may be disposed of by one of the following methods: 1) Trade-in for new equipment; 2) Direct transfer to another department; 3) Sale through or transfer to AggieSurplus; or 4) Cannibalization after AggieSurplus authorization."
- I want to give something away. How can I do that?
- Per PPM 350-80, Section III.C. departments are not authorized to give away excess property to individuals or external sources, including vendors or non-profit organizations. A directed sale is possible but it must be done through AggieSurplus and after they have given an exemption to policy.
- Can I sell an item?
- It depends. Per 350-80, Section III.3 all sales must be coordinated through AggieSurplus and Equipment Management.
- What is a fabrication?
- "Per UCOP BUS-29, a fabrication is an item of non-expendable, tangible personal property that: (1) has been physically constructed by a University activity; (2) has a total acquisition cost of $5,000 or more; (3) has a normal life expectancy of more than one year; and (4) is expected to be used by the University upon completion. A product resulting from simple assembly or connecting of various parts does not qualify as a fabrication. As used in this Bulletin, “fabrication” does not include a piece of equipment fabricated for the sole purpose of sale and delivery to an external entity under an award made specifically for the fabrication of the equipment. See the University Accounting Manual, P-415-32/Plant Accounting: Fabricated Property for more information."
- My fabrication is complete. What should I do?
- Send an email to Include the property tag number and dollar amount. Equipment Management will update Aggie Enterprise to show the item as complete.
- Why can't I continuously add to my fabrication?
- Per policy, a fabrication is defined as complete when it is put into service. After that, any additions to the fabrication must meet the add-on criteria. See PPM 350-75.
- I don't want to pay indirect costs. Can I call my purchase a fabrication?
- No. A fabrication must meet the criteria listed on the Fabrication Justification Form.
- Why do I have to inventory old items that don't work?
- "Per PPM 350-80, all assets with an acquisition value of $5,000 are considered capital assets and must be disposed of in one of four ways: 1) Trade-in for new equipment; 2) Direct transfer to another department; 3) Sale through or transfer to AggieSurplus; or 4) cannibalization after AggieSurplus authorization. It is also permissible to transfer or sell equipment to another UC campus."
- What can I remove from my inventory?
- If you have an inventory item that you can not find and have done due diligence to locate it, contact AggieSurplus for disposal or follow the other approved disposition methods outlined in PPM 350-80. If you no longer have an item (regardless of its acquisition value) you must retire it as Code 3 - Lost. We are audited on our retirements of capital assets, so when using this code, please always leave a detailed note explaining the circumstances, any known facts and the person(s) who reported the information to you.
- How do I complete my biennial inventory certification?
- Review the Guide for Conducting a Physical Inventory.
- Why do we have to perform the biennial inventory certification?
- Per UCOP BUS-29 Section III.J., all capital equipment with an acquisition value of $5,000 or more must be physically verified every 2 years. It is part of our assurance to those who fund our equipment that we regularly confirm the items are in our possession.
- What is the role of the PI in inventory?
- To assist the Asset Rep during inventory. This includes making the lab and equipment available and ensuring that the equipment has its property decal prominently displayed.
- Can I assign delegates to help with inventory?
- Yes. Your department can have others assist the asset rep in completing the biennial inventory certification. The asset rep and department head/delegate are required to sign the equipment certification form.
Aggie Enterprise Documents
- When do I have to complete the Capital Asset Tab in the Aggie Enterprise Requisition document?
- When the cost of at least one item has a per item cost of $5,000 including tax and the category name is linked to an asset type. This makes the natural account 525900. See the SC Capital Asset Purchasing KBA for more information.
- Why do I need to pick the custodial code on my requisition?
- The custodial code helps in tracking what department is responsible for the item.
- How do I complete the Capital asset tab in the Aggie Enterprise Requisition document?
- See the information on the SC Capital Asset Purchasing KBA for more information.
- How long can I loan out an equipment item?
- Equipment can be loaned for 3 years at a time and never indefinitely. If the loan is off-site, and before the item is physically moved, there needs to be a plan in place to return the item.
- How do I loan out an equipment item?
- To loan equipment to someone or an organization outside of UCD, complete an Equipment Loan Agreement (ELA) form and submit a service request through AggieEQ by using the “New Loan Request” tile. A request receipt will be emailed to you, and you will receive a notification once the Equipment Management team has updated the data in Aggie Enterprise. You’ll find KBAs on the process here. For additional information regarding loans, see PPM 350-65.
To loan equipment to a department within UCD, submit a service request through AggieEQ by using the “New Loan Request” tile. - When we are borrowing equipment, do we have to record it in Aggie Enterprise and how?
- If we are borrowing capital equipment for a year or longer, then yes, it must be in Aggie Enterprise. However, we recommend that if you are borrowing high value capital equipment, you add it to inventory even if it's for a period of less than a year. Regardless of time period, complete an an Equipment Loan Agreement (ELA) form or a KFS Non Purchasing Agreement Requisition (NPA) document.
- What recourse do we have if an employee doesn't return equipment (capital or not) loaned to them?
- Your department can consider it stolen and can file a police report with campus police. In addition, complete the Property Loss Report and submit an AggieEQ ticket to have the item retired in Aggie Enterprise.
- How do I look up a custodial code?
- Look up your custodial code (also called custodial department code) using the FA - Data Dictionary and Value Sets document. You'll find custodial codes in column D and descriptions in column E.
Alternatively, you can run an FA Value Sets Report in Aggie Enterprise:
1. From the homepage, click the "Financial Reporting Center" icon.
2. Click the "All" tab.
3. Type "FA Value Sets Report" in the search bar and click on the magnifying glass.
4. Click the "FA Value Sets Report" link
5. Use the dropdown to select value set "Custodial Department Code", then click "Apply".
You can export the value set by clicking on the down arrow next to the PDF icon at the top righthand side of the page and selecting the desired output. - How do I find a building code?
- Building codes (CAANs) can be found on FacilitiesLink. Login to FacilitiesLink, then select “Buildings”, then search for building using desired search fields. Note that for requisitions, we are referencing the “CAAN,” rather than the “Code.”
Alternatively, you can run an FA Value Sets Report in Aggie Enterprise:
1. From the homepage, click the "Financial Reporting Center" icon.
2. Click the "All" tab.
3. Type "FA Value Sets Report" in the search bar and click on the magnifying glass.
4. Click the "FA Value Sets Report" link
5. Use the dropdown to select value set "UCD Building Code", then click "Apply".
You can export the value set by clicking on the down arrow next to the PDF icon at the top righthand side of the page and selecting the desired output.
- Who owns the equipment?
- If funded with general funds or university funds, the university owns the equipment. If funded with federal funds, the title is usually conditional (the condition being if the Fair Market Value is $5,000 or over, the federal government retains title; otherwise, the university may claim title). Some contracts or grants retain title outright, so always read the agreement, including all underlying conditions and documents referred to in the agreement.
- Items were purchased with MY startup funds. Why isn't the equipment mine?
- Equipment never belongs to an individual. It is a common misperception among faculty that the equipment “belongs to them,” when in fact, it belongs to the UC Regents whether it was generally-funded or sponsor-funded. The only exception is when title belongs to the sponsor. This includes all items, regardless of inventorial status, age, working condition, value, etc. This also includes cannibalization of assets. See UCOP BUS-38 policy and UCD PPM 350-80.
- Items were purchased with MY contract or grant. Why isn't the equipment mine?
- Equipment never belongs to an individual. It is a common misperception among faculty that the equipment “belongs to them,” when in fact, it belongs to the UC Regents whether it was generally funded or sponsor funded. The only exception is when title belongs to the sponsor. This includes all items, regardless of inventorial status, age, working condition, value, etc. This includes cannibalization of assets. See UCOP BUS-38 policy and UCD PPM 350-80.
- Where can I read policies on EQ?
- Policies in the UCD Policy and Procedure Manual. Those policies are based on UCOP policies such as UCOP BUS-29 and UCOP BUS-38.
- Why do we have to pay indirect costs for non-equipment purchases?
- Indirect costs are only paid on sponsored funds. They are charged so that the university can partially recoup overhead costs. More information regarding overhead is available on the Costing Policy & Analysis page.
- What are the responsibilities of an asset rep?
- "The asset rep: 1) documents the physical location of each item of equipment, including building and room number, into the university's equipment tracking system so that an item can be located for inspection or verification within a 24-hour period; and 2) Ensures that department records are accurate."
- What are the responsibilities of the Department Head?
- "Per PPM 350-55, Section IV.A., the Department Head 1) Has primary responsibility for all aspects of the care, maintenance, physical inventory, records, security, and disposition of University equipment; 2) Ensures that the University equipment tracking system is updated in a timely manner; and 3) Designates a Departmental Asset Representative."
- What are the responsibilities of the PI?
- "Per PPM 350-55, Section IV.B.1-3, the PI 1) has primary responsibility for all aspects of the care, maintenance, physical inventory, records, security, and disposition of extramurally-funded equipment; 2) Periodically takes a physical inventory of government equipment less than $5,000 when required by the terms and conditions of the contract or grant; and 3) Performs a terminal physical inventory if required by the contract or grant."
- What is the role of the department head in inventory?
- The department head or their delegate signs off on the biennial inventory certification.
- How do I update the department head or department head delegate in Aggie Enterprise?
- Aggie Enterprise asset records do not store department head or department head delegate data, so this information should be tracked within the department. No updates are necessary in Aggie Enterprise.
- What should I do when there is a change in asset rep?
- Submit a service request through AggieEQ as soon as you know of the update. To request an asset rep edit, you should select the “Bulk Edits/Mass Transfers Request” tile. A request receipt will be emailed to you, and you will receive a notification once the Equipment Management team has updated the data in Aggie Enterprise. This is especially important when it's time for the biennial equipment certification so that our notifications reach the right staff. Please review this KBA for details.
- What should I do if I don't have someone to be the asset rep?
- There has to be an asset rep, even if you need to collaborate with another department within your school/college. For the biennial equipment certification, an asset rep and department head/department head delegate must sign the certification so the department head cannot be listed as the asset rep.
- I am a new asset rep. Where can I learn about being an asset rep?
- See PPM 350-51 and PPM 350-55.
- If an employee leaves UCD, can they take equipment with them?
- If it is their personal property that was loaned to the university, yes. Otherwise, only PIs can take equipment with them in conjunction with a PI transfer to a non-profit institution after all approvals have been given. See PPM 350-65 Sections H and I.
- A PI is transferring to UC Davis. What needs to happen regarding the incoming equipment?
- Follow the steps in our Transfer To UC Davis guide
- A PI is transferring from UC Davis. What needs to happen regarding the outgoing equipment?
- Follow the steps in our Transfer From UC Davis guide.
- Our department has an item we no longer need but another department wants it. How can I transfer it to them?
- If the item is still active in KFS, complete a Asset Transfer Global (ATG) document in KFS. The document will route to the other department's asset rep and upon their approval, the item will be transferred from your inventory to their inventory. If the item is not active, you may simply give it to another department or UC campus.
- How can we transfer an item from our campus to another UC campus?
- Contact as soon as possible. They will coordinate the transfer using the Equipment Inventory Modification Report (EIMR).
- How can another UC campus transfer an item to our campus?
- Contact as soon as possible. They will coordinate the transfer using the Equipment Inventory Modification Report (EIMR).
- What items are eligible to be no-cost transfers outside of the UC system?
- All federally funded assets are eligible, but only those with a Fair Market Value or above must be transferred at no cost to the other non-profit institution. Items purchased with General Funds, must be sold per the California Constitution, Article XVI, Section 6.
- What items are NOT eligible to be no-cost transfers outside of the UC system?
- Items purchased with General Funds, per the California Constitution, Article XVI, Section 6.
Updating Aggie Enterprise
- How do I update asset information in Aggie Enterprise?
- Submit a service request through AggieEQ as soon as you know of the update. To edit individual assets, use the “Edit Request” tile. To edit multiple assets, use the “Bulk Edits/Mass Transfers Request” tile. A request receipt will be emailed to you, and you will receive a notification once the Equipment Management team has updated the data in Aggie Enterprise. You’ll find KBAs on the process here and here. Please note that room numbers are now tracked at a department level only and will not be updated in Aggie Enterprise.
- We received an item as a gift. What do I need to do to record it?
- For gifts, contact Advancement Services. To request an update, submit a service ticket in AggieEQ using the “Add Asset Request” tile. A request receipt will be emailed to you, and you will receive a notification after the Equipment Management team has updated the data in Aggie Enterprise.
- An item was stolen. How do I update Aggie Enterprise?
- After you have a police report, submit a Retirement Request in AggieEQ using retirement code “Lost,” with the police report number included. To obtain a copy of the police report, contact Risk Management Services.
- Who can make changes to my custodial code in Aggie Enterprise?
- Only the Equipment Management team can submit changes to the custodial code directly in Aggie Enterprise. To request an update, submit a service ticket in AggieEQ using the “New/Update Custodial Code” tile. A request receipt will be emailed to you, and you will receive a notification after the Equipment Management team has updated the data in Aggie Enterprise.
- Who can make changes to the asset records in Aggie Enterprise?
- Only the Equipment Management team can submit changes to the asset record directly in Aggie Enterprise. To request an update, submit a service ticket in AggieEQ. For single assets, use the “Edit Request” tile. For multiple assets, use the “Bulk Edits/Mass Transfers Request” tile. A request receipt will be emailed to you, and you will receive a notification after the Equipment Management team has updated the data in Aggie Enterprise.
- I have an item that moves around a lot. How do I indicate that in Aggie Enterprise?
- If it's on campus, but inside, use the building code the item is in most often. If it’s on campus but outside (like a vehicle), use E002 and the physical location it is in most often. If it's off-campus, use building code E001 and provide the physical location or address where it is most often.
- Can I add non-capital equipment to my inventory?
- No, with two exceptions: weapons of any kind (firearms, dart guns, tasers, etc.) and for items a sponsor has mandated be added to our inventory. Please note, being on inventory does not make a non-capital item capital. If under $5,000 it would still be subject to indirect charges. In these instances, submit an “Add Asset Request” through AggieEQ as soon as you know of the update. A request receipt will be emailed to you, and you will receive a notification after the Equipment Management team has updated the data in Aggie Enterprise. You’ll find KBAs on the process here.